Get in losers, we’re doing writing seminars!

Auckland Uni is holding a day of writing seminars on Saturday 18 February, a couple of which will be taught by me. Far more of which will be taught by other very talented people. And this isn’t just some news I’ve been sitting on forever until it’s too late to get in on it – I only got drafted in this week.

I’ll be talking about short stories and flash fiction, as usual. But I’ll also be doing a Social Media 101 workshop. Because although I’m absolute crap at doing my own social media, I do okay for other people.

If you want to book tickets to these or any of the other writing seminars, you should check out this link.

If you actually want more information about the thing, well, aside from me there is:
Tom Moody
Selina Tusitala Marsh
Paula Morris
Sonya Wilson
Pip McKay
and Ruby Porter

All of whom are unquestionably great. And there’s writing workshops, and professional development workshops, and it runs all day and you can attend FOUR things. I know! that’s so many things!

Plus we’ll probably go to the pub afterwards. Or at least, I will. You’re welcome to join me.

Book tickets here!

Ignore that I promised a post last week, that’s just like… the past, man.

Photo by Douglas Lopez on Unsplash