News! Chat! Excitement!

Once again, I forget about blogging for months at a time, something I am going to put down to… Actually, I’m almost out of excuses, so I won’t make them.

I had a great time visiting AUT a couple of weeks ago to give a guest lecture. I hadn’t known it was a full-on lecture beforehand, so I discovered something close to the limit for how long I can run my mouth. Turns out, it’s about an hour. (Let this be a warning to anyone who engages me in conversation.)

I’ve actually had a whole load of opportunities to run my mouth recently, as well as spreading the good word of flash fiction. I chatted with the Tauranga Writers Group about flash writing, and ran a workshop for the NZSA on flash editing.

And just this last weekend, I was on the fantastic podcast from the NZ English Teachers Association called Is This For Credits?

Also, in AMAZING news, I’m getting a reprint! That’s right, for all the people I know who have not yet bought my book, don’t think you’re safe just cos it’s hard to get hold of. Given my launch last year didn’t happen, I’m thinking of having a re-launch party. Mainly consisting of drinks over Zoom or something.

I have even been doing some writing thanks to a number of sprint groups. I’ve also been writing some non-fiction for THW Press and some book reviews. Honestly, it’s been a lot. Every time I look at my to-do list it makes me sweat just a little, because there always seems so much. And it’s rugby season so there’s referee things every weekend.

There’s something else on the horizon which will continue to be a lot, but that’s going to require its own post, cos it involves me asking for donations.

Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash